M3/3.2: Orangutan Rescue Centre


Module 3: Orangutans is designed to help students understand the threatening survival issues concerning orangutans. Students will have the opportunity to devise orangutan ‘rescue’ projects, with the aim of providing long term security for orangutans

Learning Objectives

To explore the important work of Orangutan rescue centres.

Learning Outcomes:

All students will be able to identify the important work carried out by the Sintang Rescue Centre.

Most students will be able to explain the effect game-based learning can have on raising awareness.

Some students will reflect upon the consequences of deforestation and its direct effect on orangutans.


Task 1: Sintang Rescue Centre

The Sintang Orangutan Rescue Center is located in a remote corner of the Indonesian province of West Kalimantan, where timber and oil palm companies have decimated the orangutans' rainforest home. Learn more about Sintang Rescue Centre (see assignment links).

VIRTUAL CLASSROOM TOOLS: Use the blog feature of the virtual classroom to record your findings and share with learners in the classroom.

Task 2: Rescuing Raja

Teacher notes:All resources can be found under assignment documents.

On the 26th of November the Sintang Orangutan Rescue team travelled from Sintang to Lusund Janang to a remote area of West Kalimantan. When they arrived, they found a male orangutan, who his owner had named King Kong. This poor little male orangutan was being kept in a small cage-- where he had lived for the last five years of his life. Read the rescue story of Raja (see assignment links).

VIRTUAL CLASSROOM TOOLS: Create a discussion post titled ‘Raja’ Share your thoughts and feelings with other students in the virtual classroom.

Task 3: Rescue Raja Video Game

Use Kudo game maker, Microsoft’s free video game software, to create a ‘Rescue Raja video game. Video games can be posted to a collaboration space for learners around the globe to play, learn from and comment on.

Continue to M3/3.3: Orangutan Awareness Event »